2160 S Stratford Rd, Winston-salem, NC, 27103
Latitude: 36.059593 Longitude: -80.313292.
Ring: 1, 3, 5 Miles
1 mile radius 3 miles radius 5 miles radius
In the identified market area, the current year population is 124,539. In 2000, the Census count in the market area was 106,811. The rate of change since 2000 was 1.51 percent annually. The five-year projection for the population in the market area is 133,179, representing a change of 1.35 percent annually from 2010 to 2015. Currently, the population is 47.6 percent male and 52.4 percent female.
The household count in this market area has changed from 46,754 in 2000 to 54,415 in the current year, a change of 1.49 percent annually.
The five-year projection of households is 58,181, a change of 1.35 percent annually from the current year total. Average household size is currently 2.23, compared to 2.22 in the year 2000. The number of families in the current year is 31,643 in the market area.
Currently, 57.5 percent of the 60,367 housing units in the market area are owner occupied; 32.6 percent, renter occupied; and 9.9 percent are vacant. In 2000, there were 50,524 housing units - 58.8 percent owner occupied, 33.7 percent renter occupied and 7.5 percent vacant.
The rate of change in housing units since 2000 is 1.75 percent. Median home value in the market area is $145,675, compared to a median home value of $157,913 for the U.S. In five years, median home value is projected to change by 2.35 percent annually to $163,648. From 2000 to the current year, median home value changed by 1.96 percent annually.
Current median household income is $57,350 in the market area, compared to $54,442 for all U.S. households. Median household income is projected to be $63,805 in five years.
In 2000, median household income was $44,583, compared to $31,828 in 1990.
Current average household income is $75,069 in this market area, compared to $70,173 for all U.S. households. Average household income is projected to be $83,301 in five years.
In 2000, average household income was $62,899, compared to $44,848 in 1990.
Current per capita income is $33,142 in the market area, compared to the U.S. per capita income of $26,739.
The per capita income is projected to be $36,750 in five years. In 2000, the per capita income was $27,878, compared to $19,940 in 1990.
Currently, 90.2 percent of the civilian labor force in the identified market area is employed and 9.8 percent are unemployed. In comparison,89.2 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force is employed, and 10.8 percent are unemployed. In five years the rate of employment in the market area will be 92.1 percent of the civilian labor force, and unemployment will be 7.9 percent. The percentage of the U.S. civilian labor force that will be employed in five years is 91.2 percent, and 8.8 percent will be unemployed. In 2000, 66.5 percent of the population aged 16 years or older in the market area participated in the labor force, and 0.0 percent were in the Armed Forces.
In the current year, the occupational distribution of the employed population is:
· 69.8 percent in white collar jobs (compared to 61.6 percent of U.S. employment)
· 15.3 percent in service jobs (compared to 17.3 percent of U.S. employment)
· 14.9 percent in blue collar jobs (compared to 21.1 percent of U.S. employment)
In 2000, 81.9 percent of the market area population drove alone to work, and 2.9 percent worked at home. The average travel time to work in 2000 was 18.9 minutes in the market area, compared to the U.S. average of 25.5 minutes.
In 2010, the educational attainment of the population aged 25 years or older in the market area was distributed as follows:
· 10.0 percent had not earned a high school diploma (14.8 percent in the U.S.)
· 22.6 percent were high school graduates only (29.6 percent in the U.S.)
· 7.2 percent had completed an Associate degree (7.7 percent in the U.S.)
· 25.8 percent had a Bachelor's degree (17.7 percent in the U.S.)
· 15.5
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